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You start the Palette CLI with a single command, palette. The CLI accepts various subcommands such as pde, help, and more. The Palette CLI will return a non-zero exit status during error scenarios. You can use the CLI flags -h and --help to learn more about each subcommand.

The following list contains all the supported Palette CLI subcommands. Click on a subcommand to learn more about it.

  • completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell.
  • help - Help with any command.
  • ec - Palette Enterprise Cluster installation & pre-validation.
  • login - Login to Palette.
  • pcg - Private Cloud Gateway installation & pre-validation.
  • pde - Palette Developer Experience.

Global Flags

Palette CLI supports the following global flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-c--configConfig file location.string
-h--helpHelp with any command.N/A
-l--log-levelLog level. Allowed values: panic fatal error warn info debug trace (default info)string
-w--workspaceWorkspace location for staging runtime configurations and logs (default $HOME/.palette)string
