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The pcg command supports Private Cloud Gateway (PCG) operations, such as installing a PCG cluster and validating its installation. A local kind cluster is created to facilitate creating the PCG cluster in the target environment. You do not need to install kind or any other dependencies. The CLI includes all the required dependencies to set up the kind cluster.

The pcg command exposes the following subcommand.

  • install - Install a PCG through an interactive wizard. A container runtime is required to install a PCG cluster.


Use the install subcommand to install a PCG cluster in the following environments. The following flags are supported by the install subcommand.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileInstall using a configuration file (optional). Use -config-only to generate a configuration file.string
-o--config-onlyGenerate configuration file only. This command will not proceed with installation.boolean
-i--inspect-onlyValidate prerequisites for environment. Do not proceed with installation.boolean

Supported Environments

You can use the install subcommand to install a PCG cluster in the following environments.

PlatformInstall Guide