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The pde command interacts with the Palette Dev Engine (PDE) platform and its resources. You can use the pde command to log in to Palette, manage virtual clusters, and switch the project scope.

The pde command exposes the following subcommands.


Use the app subcommand to manage Palette Apps deployments. The app subcommand supports the following subcommands.

  • create - Create a Palette App deployment. This command contain several subcommands. Use the --help flag to learn more about each subcommand or refer to the Create section.

  • delete - Delete a Palette App deployment. Refer to the Delete section for more information.

  • list - List Palette App deployments. Refer to the List section for more information.

  • update - Update a Palette App deployment. Refer to the Update section for more information.


Use the create subcommand to create a Palette App deployment. The create subcommand supports the following subcommands.

  • cluster-group - Create a Palette App deployment inside a Cluster Group. A new Virtual Cluster will be created. Use the following flags to create a Palette App deployment inside a Cluster Group.

    ---app-profile-nameInstall using a configuration file (optional). Use -config-only to generate a configuration file.string
    --app-profile-versionGenerate configuration file only. This command will not proceed with installation.boolean
    --cluster-group-nameValidate prerequisites for environment. Do not proceed with installation.boolean
    --cpuCPUs (optional). Defaults to 4 cores. (default 4)int
    --memoryMemory (GB) (optional). Defaults to 4GB. (default 4)int
    --nameThe name of the App deployment.string
    --storageStorage (GB) (optional). Defaults to 4GB. (default 4)int
    --virtual-cluster-nameThe name of the new Virtual Cluster.string
  • interactive - Create a Palette App deployment in an interactive mode.

  • virtual-cluster - Create a Palette App deployment inside an existing Virtual Cluster. Use the following flags to create a Palette App deployment inside an existing Virtual Cluster.

    ---app-profile-nameInstall using a configuration file (optional). Use -config-only to generate a configuration file.string
    --app-profile-versionGenerate configuration file only. This command will not proceed with installation.boolean
    --nameThe name of the App deployment.string
    --virtual-cluster-nameThe name of the new Virtual Cluster.string


Use the delete subcommand to delete a Palette App deployment. The delete requires the name of the App deployment to delete. Use the --name flag to specify the name of the App deployment to delete.

--nameThe name of the App deployment.string
--helpHelp for the delete subcommand.-


Use the list subcommand to list all Palette App deployments. The list subcommand supports the following flags.

--nameThe name of the App deployment.string
--helpHelp for the list subcommand.-


Use the update subcommand to update an App deployment. The update subcommand supports the following flags.

--nameThe name of the App deployment. Only Apps pending an App Profile update are eligible for an update.string
--helpHelp for the update subcommand.-

App Profile

Use the app-profile subcommand to manage app profiles. The app-profile command supports the following subcommands.

  • create - Create an app profile

  • delete - Delete an app profile

  • describe - Describe an app profile

  • list - List app profiles

  • versions - List the versions of an app profile


Use the create subcommand to create an app profile. You have two options to create an app profile. You can create an app profile using a configuration file or in interactive mode. The create subcommand supports the following subcommands.

  • from-config - Create an app profile from an app profile configuration file.

  • interactive - Create an app profile in interactive mode.

From Config

You can create an app profile using a configuration file. The configuration file must be in YAML format. The from-config subcommand supports the following flags.

--config-fileThe path to the app profile configuration file.string
--helpHelp for the from-config subcommand.-

You can create an app profile config file by using the interactive subcommand with the --config-only flag.

palette pde app-profile create interactive --config-only

The configuration file will be created in the $HOME directory, under the ~/.palette/pde/app-profiles/ folder.


Use the interactive subcommand to create an app profile in interactive mode. The interactive subcommand supports the following flags.

--config-onlyGenerate configuration file only. This command will not proceed with installation.boolean
--helpHelp for the interactive subcommand.-


Use the delete subcommand to delete an app profile. To delete an app profile, you must provide the name and version of the app profile. The delete subcommand supports the following flags.

--nameThe name of the app profile.string
--versionThe version of the app profile.string
--helpHelp for the delete subcommand.-


Use the describe subcommand to describe an app profile. To describe an app profile, you must provide the name and version of the app profile. The describe subcommand supports the following flags.

--nameThe name of the app profile.string
--versionThe version of the app profile.string
--helpHelp for the describe subcommand.-


Use the list subcommand to list all app profiles. The list subcommand supports the following flags.

--name-filterFilter the list of app profiles by providing a name.string
--helpHelp for the list subcommand.-


Use the versions subcommand to list all versions of an app profile. To list all versions of an app profile, you must provide the name of the app profile. The versions subcommand supports the following flags.

--nameThe name of the app profile.string
--helpHelp for the versions subcommand.-

Cluster Group

Use the cluster-group command to change the cluster group that commands will target. You can also list all available clusters. The cluster-group supports the following subcommands.

  • list - List Palette Cluster Groups.

  • switch - Switch your active Palette Cluster Group.


Use the list subcommand to list all Palette Cluster Groups. No additional flags are required.


Use the switch subcommand to switch your active cluster group. The switch subcommand supports the following flags.

--nameThe name of the cluster group.string
--scopeThe scope of the cluster group. Allowed values are project, tenant, and system.string
--helpHelp for the switch subcommand.-


Use the registry subcommand to manage Palette Registries for App Mode. The registry subcommand supports the following subcommands.

  • create - Create a Palette Registry.

  • delete - Delete a Palette Registry.

  • list - List Palette Registries.


The create subcommand creates a Palette Registry. You can specify an Open Container Initiative (OCI) registry or a Helm registry. Use the subcommand oci or helm to specify the type of registry you want to create. The create subcommand supports the following subcommands.

  • oci - Create an OCI registry. Use the following flags to create an OCI registry.

  • helm - Create a Helm registry. Use the following flags to create a Helm registry.

    The following flags are supported by the oci and helm subcommands.

    --endpointThe endpoint of the registry.string
    --helpHelp for the oci or the helm subcommand.-
    --usernameThe username of the OCI registry.string
    --passwordThe password of the OCI registry.string

    The following example shows how to create an OCI registry.

    palette pde registry create oci --endpoint  \
    --name internal-packs --username harbor --password *********


The list subcommand lists all Palette Registries available in App Mode. The list subcommand supports the following flags.

--typeThe type of registry. Allowed values are oci and helm.string
--helpHelp for the list subcommand.-


The delete subcommand deletes a Palette Registry from App Mode. You can specify an Open Container Initiative (OCI) registry or a Helm registry. Use the type flag --type to specify the type of registry you want to delete. The delete subcommand supports the following flags.

--nameThe name of the registry.string
--typeThe type of registry. Allowed values are oci and helm.string
--helpHelp for the delete subcommand.-

Virtual Cluster

You can use the virtual-cluster subcommand to manage Palette Virtual Clusters. Below is a list of the supported subcommands you can use. Use the --help flag to learn more about each subcommand.

  • create - Create a virtual cluster.
  • delete - Delete a virtual cluster.
  • download-kubeconfig - Download the kubeconfig for a virtual cluster.
  • events - View events for a virtual cluster.
  • lifecycle - Pause or resume a virtual cluster.
  • list - List all virtual clusters.
  • resize - Resize a virtual cluster.


Use the create subcommand to create a virtual cluster. The create subcommand supports the following flags.

--cluster-group-nameThe name of the Cluster Group. Defaults to the active cluster group.string
--cpuCPUs (optional). Defaults to 4 cores. (default 4)int
--memoryMemory (GB) (optional). Defaults to 4GB. (default 4)int
--nameThe name of the Virtual Cluster.string
--storageStorage (GB) (optional). Defaults to 4GB. (default 4)int
--tagsA list of tags separated by commas (optional)strings
--helpHelp for the create subcommand.-


palette pde virtual-cluster create --cpu 4 --memory 4 --storage 4 --name dev-cluster --tags "environment:dev,cli,qa-team"


Use the delete subcommand to delete a Palette Virtual Cluster. The delete subcommand requires the name of the Virtual Cluster to delete. Use the --name flag to specify the name of the Virtual Cluster to delete.

--nameThe name of the Virtual Cluster.string
--helpHelp for the delete subcommand.-

Download Kubeconfig

Use the download-kubeconfig subcommand to download the kubeconfig for virtual cluster. The download-kubeconfig subcommand requires the name of the Virtual Cluster. Use the --name flag to specify the name of the virtual cluster.

--nameThe name of the Virtual Cluster.string
--pathDownload path for Kubeconfig file (optional). Default is $HOME/.kube/<virtual-cluster-name>.confstring
--helpHelp for the download-kubeconfig subcommand.-


palette pde virtual-cluster download-kubeconfig --name cli-cluster --path ~/projects/spectro-cloud/kubeconfig/cli-cluster.config
Downloaded kubeconfig for Virtual Cluster cli-cluster
Kubeconfig location: /Users/demo/projects/spectro-cloud/kubeconfig/cli-cluster.config


Use the events subcommand to view event logs for a virtual cluster. The events subcommand requires the name of the Virtual Cluster. Use the --name flag to specify the name of the virtual cluster.

--nameThe name of the Virtual Cluster.string
--limitEvent limit (optional). Maximum number of events to return. (default 5)int
--max-ageMaximum event age in minutes (optional) (default -1)int
--severityEvent severity (optional). One or more of: [ NormalWarning
--helpHelp for the events subcommand.-


Use the lifecycle subcommand to pause or resume a virtual cluster. The lifecycle subcommand requires the name of the virtual cluster and the action type. Use the --name flag to specify the name of the virtual cluster, and the --action flag to specify the action type. The action type can be pause or resume.

--nameThe name of the Virtual Cluster.string
--actionThe action type. Allowed values are pause and resume.string
--helpHelp for the lifecycle subcommand.-


palette pde virtual-cluster lifecycle --name cli-cluster --action pause

palette pde virtual-cluster lifecycle --name cli-cluster --action resume


Use the list subcommand to list all available virtual clusters. No additional flags are required.


Use the resize subcommand to resize a virtual cluster. The resize subcommand requires the name of the virtual cluster and the new size. Use the --name flag to specify the name of the virtual cluster, and the --size flag to specify the new size.

--nameThe name of the virtual cluster.string
--cpuCPUs (optional). Defaults to 4 cores. (default 4)int
--memoryMemory (GB) (optional). Defaults to 4GB. (default 4)int
--storageStorage (GB) (optional). Defaults to 4GB. (default 4)int
--helpHelp for the resize subcommand.-


palette pde virtual-cluster resize --name cli-cluster --cpu 4 --memory 4 --storage 4
Resized Virtual Cluster cli-cluster