Outcold Solutions
Integration provides Kubernetes monitoring solution that includes log aggregation, performance and system metrics, metrics from the control plane and application metrics, a dashboard for reviewing network activity, and alerts to notify you about cluster or application performance issues.
Versions Supported
- 5.0.x
- 5.0.0
This integration forwards logs and metrics to Splunk. Pre-requisites for Splunk are
- Install Kubernetes Monitoring application
- Enable HTTP Event Collector (HEC) in Splunk
- Make sure to configure the forwarder settings below while setting up the pack
acceptEULA = false
license =
fields.kubernetes_cluster = -
# Splunk output
# Splunk HTTP Event Collector url
url =
# Splunk HTTP Event Collector Token
token =
# Allow invalid SSL server certificate
insecure = false
# Path to CA certificate
caPath =
# CA Name to verify
caName =
The following workloads gets deployed on collectorforkubernetes namespace, by default
- Collectorforkubernetes - Daemonset
- Collectorforkubernetes Master - Daemonset
- Collectorforkubernetes Addon - Deployment